Move Well

A workplace physical health program supporting people to establish and maintain an active and empowered lifestyle.

Breath, water, food and movement are fundamental to life. We call on our ability to move to carry out daily tasks and participate in the things we enjoy. It is widely known that movement or physical activity has significant physical and mental health benefits. As we age our ability to move may be offset by a niggle, pain or injury. When this impacts our capacity to do the things we enjoy or reduces our physical activity levels our overall health suffers.

Move Well is a program designed to help your workforce improve their physical wellbeing. The program offers personalised musculoskeletal assessment and education with exercise specialists to provide the tools to improve movement, strength and musculoskeletal resilience.

Who is it for?

The program is designed for organisations wanting to offer a more targeted and personalised physical health intervention for their staff. The Move Well Program is designed for any individual though can be especially helpful for those looking to overcome a physical injury or illness or simply someone wanting to ease themselves back into exercise and unsure where to start.

Flexible Design and Delivery

Well InForm work with your organisation to devise a service delivery framework that suits your challenges, budgets and objectives. The intervention can range from a one-off session to an intensive health coaching program. Clinics can be delivered in both physical or virtual settings which when combined with digital solutions provide a highly adaptable health and wellbeing solution.

With exercise specialist consultants across Australia and New Zealand, the Move Well Program ensures workforces of any size and geographical spread can be supported.

How it works

Musculoskeletal Assessment
Physical Health Goal Setting
Exercise Prescription
Follow-up / Re-assessment

What companies think of Move Well

  • We implemented the Move Well Program across our Australian and New Zealand Business. After an increase in manual handling injuries, we wanted to tailor our approach to an individual level. The program provided our employees with a musculoskeletal assessment and a tailored physical activity improvement plan. The outcome of which was an improvement in our people's mobility and physical resilience. This helped reduce their risk of injury at work, but importantly supported their wellbeing to maintain activity away from work. The feedback we received from our teams was incredible and it is now a program we will be running regularly.
    — Move Well Participating Company

What participants think of Move Well

  • Was about to cancel but so happy I didn't and really enjoyed the session and gained some valuable tips to get me started. The practitioner was very approachable and didn't make me feel bad about being out of shape. Very worthwhile!
    — Move Well Participant
  • One of the best things we have ran and we cannot wait for another session
    — Stephanie – Participant and Site Champion
  • One of our team members told me this morning that since participating in the Move Well Program he has reduced his need for pain relief medication by 70-80% and hadn't felt this good since he could last remember.
    — Darren – Warehouse Manager

Let’s work together